Help with a donation!

Money Donations:

You can find a paypal-donation-Button on the buttom of our homepage, which makes donations easy.

Alternatively, you are welcome to donate directly to one of our donation accounts:



In Austria:

Hilfe für die Organisation Malaikha in Sambia

Raiffeisenbank Klosterneuburg

BLZ: 32367,

Kontonummer: 1198

IBAN: AT84 3236 7000 0000 1198



In Zambia:

Malaikha School

Stanbic Mazabuka Branch

Account No: 0140009377701



Commodity Contributions:

You are welcome to contact us about donations of any kind. We regular have volunteers from Europe at Malaikha, who can sometimes bring things. Also some airlines agree to take donations for free. If you are in Zambia it is of course easier, since we can pick up donations from Mazabuka or Lusaka or you are welcome to bring them yourself.


We are always happy about: Food like Dried beans, dried fish, soya, cooking oil, sugar, flour etc, seeds, farm animals, toys, clothes, shoes, stationary, Braille materials, laptops, audio books, books, art and craft materials, building materials, blankets, furniture, kitchen stuff;


If you wish to send something to us or our kids directly you may use DHL or the post: 



P.O.Box 670206




Other possibilities:

  • sponsoring of a child with 30 € per month (this money is used like a school fee and is spent where needed, could be for clothes, medicine or also food or teacher salaries)
  • Monthly contribution of your choice to the food budget (we need in average about € 500 per month)
  • Monthly contribution of your choice to the budget for worker salaries and allowances (we need in average about € 700 per month)
  • You are also welcome to contact us about contributions needed for urgent and ongoing projects like building, seeds etc...